Great keep

For many centuries, there were two medieval castle towers on the castle hill next to the sorbent tower. While the smaller keep was refurbished in 2003, any help came too late for his older brother. He collapsed in 1972 already. Two eyewitness reports from these days are printed below the pictures.

The end of the great keep

Impressions of 1972

I was a child of 7 years. We had heard about it and came there from the market where we lived. We stopped at the bottom of the Muldengraben bridge and were able to watch and hear the event. It was a big event for us children because the adults often talked about it and encouraged us to go there. When I am back in my homeland and stand on the mountain, I still think today of the demolition and that once two towers stood there.


I can remember this exciting day very well. My parents told me something about a rumble at night. The next day we saw the collapsed tower. For a child, the strength of the tower walls was impressive. We tracked the detonation from the parking lot.
It was said that the collapse was due to mountain movements. This sounds conclusive insofar as I can also remember a partial collapse of the wall in that area. The repairs with concrete are still recognizable today.
I hope and wish for my hometown that it has the strength and the finances to rehabilitate the historic building of the former court in the long term, because otherwise another piece of historical identity disappears.